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Syngonium Red-Spot Tricolour AB

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    Well established, potted in 9 cm pot. What you see in the photos is what you get. 

    Syngonium Podophyllum ‘Tricolour’ is a rare plant that is well known by every Syngonium or rare plant collector. Lets talk about this plant!

    Rare variations of the Arrowhead Plant are an excellent way for beginners to start growing rare houseplants. With the Arrowhead Plant, also called the Syngonium family, you can enjoy vastly colored foliage, some types of Syngoniums are sold for a fraction of the price compared to rare Monsteras and Philodendrons. Here is everything we love about the Syngonium Red Spot Tricolor and how to provide the best growing conditions for your new plant.


    Plants in the Syngonium family originate in tropical regions, such as Central and South America. Most notably, they are also vining plants. Both factors are essential to help the Syngonium feel at home. If you are lucky enough to find a Red Spot Tricolor, here is how to care for it properly.

    Provide bright indirect light, and plant in well-draining soil. Watering needs are moderate. This means you should water when the top few cm of soil feels dry to the touch. Once your Tricolor starts to skyrocket in growth, remember to simulate its tropical roots. Provide warm room temperature, moderate humidity, and a totem pole that the Arrowhead Plant can climb up for stability.


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